Heart Formation

I went down to the beach for a breath of fresh air this morning.
It gives me time to burn off some energy and process
what’s going on in my mind.

As I watched the waves coming in and out a lady walked down the beach
from the promenade and started calling out to me.

As she approached me she said

“ I hope you don’t mind me sharing.....I was taking a photo of the sun and sea.
What I captured was a picture of you in the sunlight with the sun and some
cloud above you in a heart formation. I don’t know what you were thinking about.
It looks so beautiful I had to show you. There was a heart above you.”

How wonderful was that?
I felt so happy the lady chose to share her photo and what she saw around me.

It made my day!

It goes to show there is beauty all around us even when you don’t see it.

Have you seen any unexpected moments of beauty in your day?

Don’t forget to look around you, it might not always be obvious.


I wake Up Exhausted and I don’t know what to do.


Winter Wellbeing; How to minimise the winter blues