I wake Up Exhausted and I don’t know what to do.

I wake up and feel exhausted every morning.
I don't know what to do.
Is this how I am supposed to live my life?

This is what a previously client said to me during a consultation

There is so much that could be going on here.
Exhaustion can be down to a variety of reasons:

Gut health

External stresses with relationships, family, work,
deadlines, responsibilities. over thinking

Sometimes trying too hard to make yourself
feel well, leading to more stress and exhaustion.

My advice is to stop and when I mean stop, stop everything.
Put your phone away, turn the radio off,

Close your eyes and see what is going on for you.

Are you feeling restless? 
Do you feel any aches and pains?
Is your heart racing?
Do you feel emotional?

Are you breathing at a steady pace or is it quite a shallow pattern?
How many thoughts do you have churning through your mind?

Now breathe. Breathe into through your nose and guide your breath to your tummy and breathe out again.
If possible breathe in through your nose and out through your nose.
This helps to regulate your parasympathetic system, leading to rest and digest.
Breathe in for the count of 4 and out for the count of 4.

Regulating your nervous system and connecting your mind and body together
through your breath can change your state into a calmer, more relaxed one within a few minutes.

This is a practice and can be blended as part of a self care routine to release you of stress and exhaustion.

Remember your breath is your constant.  It is always there for you.

Reach out.  Talk to someone to share what is going on in your life.
Talking through things with a friend, loved one or a wellbeing coach can help you
to process how you much life stress you are dealing with.

There are so many self care tips and techniques that I could take you through as
a package to help you move on from exhaustion.

That is why I have created the Run Down To Radiant 12 week programme.

For more details please email me on jane@janelongwellbeing.com


Improve Your Mood With this simple tip.


Heart Formation