Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Nourish & Nurture Your Skin As Autumn Arrives

Create a warmth and vitality to your skin this Autumn season.

Support your skin in letting go of the old and replenishing the new skin cells during their natural cycle.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

What is It like to be a reflexologist?

What is it like to be a Reflexologist?

What Am I Looking For When Giving Reflexology?

I look atthe shape of your feet, length of your toes against each other, the temperature, any markings, I feel for any gritty sensations around the reflex points.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Wellbeing In The Work Place: An Employers view

Trying to keep your work force motivated can be a challenge. Read on to discover how to incorporate wellbeing to improve productivity and profitability in the work place.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing


How to care for blemished skin naturally.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Marionette Lines

Marionette Lines can be smoothed and slightly toned with facial massage, Zone Face Lift Therapy and good quality skin care products.

Look for facial massage and Zone Face Lift Therapy in Eastbourne today.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

How Do You Cope With Emotional Stress?


Anxiety, stress, fatigue, insomnia, hormonal ups and downs!

It ain't great!

Fortunately, there are ways to find support through your menopausal years.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing


Sleep is one of the pillars to supporting our health and wellbeing.

By sleeping well we give our bodies its optimal chance to rest, recharge, repair and renew our bodies cells and tissues including skin, blood and brain cells and also muscles.

However during the menopause, our sleep can become disrupted due to our hormonal changes or blood sugar crashes.We may also feel like we have slept well through the night but still wake up feeling lack lustre and depleted of energy.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Feeling Frazzled This Christmas

I've been hearing more and more how people are feeling frazzled.

They are not just feeling stressed, there is  a certain level of exhaustion that comes with it.

This is understandable when you think that we are witnessing some terrible atrocities and injustices going on in the world.  There are also many changes to our lifestyles and economic climate.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Nurture Yourself This Winter

The winter months are upon us.

Some people experience low mood, anxiety, overwhelm andduring the darker months and the feeling of isolation can also set in.

It’s also an opportunity to slow down, rest and restore.

Here are some self care tips to lift your mood during the darkest season of the year

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Coerced Into Christmas

I've lost the battle again!

This year it's only between me and my daughter.

My son has lost interest in the festive season.....apart from the presents of course!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing


Wrinkles, fine lines, crinkles, furrow, lines, crows feet...call them what you like, we ALL get them.

Like it or not its part of our ageing process or should we call it our living process?

Because they only appear as proof that we are still alive.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are one of the many symptoms that can arrive with menopause.

For some women they are mild, but for others they are constant and can take over their lives.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

The Complete Skin Food Regime Is Here!

I'm so excited to share with you that Weleda and Cytoplan have collaborated to bring youThe Complete Skin Food Regime

I've been using it for a week now and already my skin is feeling smoother.

The Complete Skin Food Regime is all about nourishing your skin inside and out.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

World Reflexology Week 2023

It is World Reflexology Week from 18th - 22nd September.

To acknowledge this I thought it was time I re introduced myself!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Benefits Of Reflexology

What is Reflexology & Why Is It So Good For You?

Reflexology is the theory that the foot provides a map for the body.  During a treatment the reflexologist applies pressure to reflex points that correspond to particular parts of the body including glands, limbs, skeleton and organs.This creates a deep sense of relaxation allowing any stress or tension to be released, promoting natural healing and improves your sense of wellbeing.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Plantar Fasciitis

 Plantar Fasciitis is a common yet painful condition of the foot around the heal and bottom of your foot.

It is caused by inflammation of the fascia the muscle, bones and nerves in your foot.

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