What Did Kirsty Young Say About Reflexology?

The radio and TV presenter Kirsty Young was recently on
BBC Radio 4's Today Programme talking about her Fibromyalgia diagnosis.

During the interview she mentioned how she used Reflexology to help during her recovery.

"Reflexology, which I thought was surely a load of old tosh!  But I opened my mind to it and that really helped.

It helped with joint swelling
It helped with inflammation
It helped with pain

So I found a really good person to do that."

These were Kirsty's words.

During the interview Kirsty also described the life changes she had to make and the support she received from her doctors and medication she was prescribed.

While Reflexology has no claim to cure or diagnose and there is no scientific proof that there is a link between Kirsty's reflexology sessions and the benefits she received,

Reflexology does

Aid Sleep
Releases Tension
Improves Mood
Promotes Wellbeing

So what happens when you experience those wonderful benefits?

You switch off your stress response.
This helps you to feel calmer.
Gives you space for clarity of mind.
If guides your body into rest state which allows you to repair and heal.
It helps you feel more 'yourself' again and you can feel well.
This is an excellent therapy for those who are feeling vulnerable and experiencing ill health.
It works well alongside the support of your medical team and the medication you are taking.

The treatments I offer are client led, grounding and centring.  You'll feel well again and take you out of 'fight or flight'.

Are you ready to book in for your reflexology?



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