Lymph Flow in Winter
The lymphatic system is like your body’s unsung hero; a network of vessels and nodes that help detox, boost immunity and keep your body balanced.
Aroma Reflex Therapy
Aroma Reflex Therapy is my latest offering for the treatment room.
Its a wonderful addition to the reflexology Eastbourne sessions I already offer.
A way to truly indulge and luxuriate to enhance relaxation and bliss.
Nourish & Nurture Your Skin As Autumn Arrives
Create a warmth and vitality to your skin this Autumn season.
Support your skin in letting go of the old and replenishing the new skin cells during their natural cycle.
To Cleanse Or Double Cleanse?
Cleansing balms, foams, milks, lotions; which will you choose and when should you use them?
Read on!
What is It like to be a reflexologist?
What is it like to be a Reflexologist?
What Am I Looking For When Giving Reflexology?
I look atthe shape of your feet, length of your toes against each other, the temperature, any markings, I feel for any gritty sensations around the reflex points.
Wellbeing In The Work Place: An Employers view
Trying to keep your work force motivated can be a challenge. Read on to discover how to incorporate wellbeing to improve productivity and profitability in the work place.
What Are You Doing To Protect Your Skin While Exercising In The Biting Cold This Winter?
If you are exercising outside in this biting cold at the moment, you need Skin Food!
You need something thats going to protect your skin from the elements.
Skin Nourishing Cafe
I'm excited to share that I am holding a new event.
The Skin Nourishing Cafe
Come and join me for 2 fabulous hours of mindfulness at the Skin Nourishing Cafe.
Zone Face Lift Photo Testimonial
I'm delighted to share with you my latest client Susan who came to me for a course of Zone Face Lift Therapy.
Susan had been feeling 'despondent' about reaching her midyears and all the changes it brings including her facial definition. She was feeling exhausted, generally fatigued.
I suggested Susan take the course as 2 sessions per week to see good results.
Heart Formation
I went down to the beach for a breath of fresh air this morning.It gives me time to burn off some energy and process what’s going on in my mind.
As I watched the waves coming in and out a lady walked down the beach from the promenade and started calling out to me.
Keep Your Self Care Simple
I went on a Breath, Body, Mind fundamentals training over the weekend.
It highlighted to me how underestimated something as simple as breathing can have a big impact on our health.
By simply paying attention to our breath with intention.
Meditation; If You Think You're Doing It Wrong, You Are Actually Doing It Right.
This is true.
If you think you're meditating wrong, you are actually doing it right.
I hear this all the time.
"I can't meditate""I can't focus""I start thinking about my shopping list""My mind wanders""It's not working""I'll never be able to relax enough".
Do you recognise any of those thoughts?