Meditation; If You Think You're Doing It Wrong, You Are Actually Doing It Right.

This is true.

If you think you're meditating wrong, you are actually doing it right.

I hear this all the time.

"I can't meditate"
"I can't focus"
"I start thinking about my shopping list"
"My mind wanders"
"It's not working"
"I'll never be able to relax enough".

Do you recognise any of those thoughts?

The fear of relaxing,

The what will happen if you stop? The sense of urgency you experience when you try to slow down or stop.

You sit down, you close your eyes and your brain goes into over drive.  It has your full attention and it goes CRAZY!!

As someone with an over active brain, I know ALL about this.

The thing is, when you are going about your day to day life, your brain is doing no different than to when you first
go to sit down, close your eyes and try to meditate.

So, your brain is already doing it.  It doesn't just start to throw out extra thoughts because you've chosen to sit still
for a while.

Meditation is giving you the opportunity to notice what how many thoughts are going around in your head and
what they are.

So what now?
You've noticed the thoughts, you're aware that you feel distracted and your body wants to stand up and complete
that unfinished job.  What do you do now?

My advice is before you sit to meditate, get your phone and set your alarm for 5 minutes.

When that 5 minute alarm goes off you can open your eyes and get up.

You know it is set, your brain will try to trick you that you have forgotten to set it.

Be sure with yourself that you have.  You definitely have.

Then sit down, get comfortable, close your eyes and become the observer of your thoughts and actions.

Notice each thought as it comes into your head.

Notice your impulses and desires to get up and do something.

Notice your breath.  Breathe into your chest. Be kind to yourself always.

If you feel moments of discomfort, go back to your breath, it is your friend.

Once you've learned to allow the discomfort to pass you will experience a sense of peace and calm.

This is meditation.

Mediation is a practice.  The sense of peace and calm won't happen straight away.

But it will come.  It will become your 'go to' during times of stress.  Meditate regularly and you'll find the stressful times easier to manage.
The knowledge that the peace really is within you at all times and you can access it when you want will become your comfort and help you on your path to self care and acceptance.

What are your experiences of meditation?

I'd love to know.


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