Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Lift your spirits this christmas

Take care of you and lift your spirits in the lead up to Christmas.The benefits of being gentle and kind to yourself will outweigh the need to bow down to the usual stresses of the Christmas season.

 Make sure each day you create some space to

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Taking The stress away

We all experience stress from time to time. Some more than others.

It's good to know you have a wonderful peaceful sanctuary to retreat to in the South Downs.

 I'll confess, I've been feeling the stress over the last month or so.Whilst summer has been relaxing, there are lots of changes going on which can take time to adjust to.

So I'm updating my self care routine that keeps me in check.

I wonder how you ease your stresses?

Here are some reminder tips of how to keep a sense of balance and calm in your life.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Puffy Eyes

We all suffer from puffy eyes from time to time but ageing is the most common cause.

So how do we reduce our puffiness as we reach our midyears and beyond?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

What Does Wellbeing Mean To You?

When you hear the word 'Wellbeing' does it bring image of walks on sandy beaches, glowing green woodland and fields to you? Perhaps even Yoga retreats and sunsets or rises?

Or does sound like an unreachable goal that you never seem to get to grips with.

I looked for the definition of wellbeing. The words that came back were comfort, health, happiness and prosperity.

I have realised from treating many reflexology clients that wellbeing means something different to each person.

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