What Does Wellbeing Mean To You?

When you hear the word 'Wellbeing' does it bring  image of walks on sandy beaches, glowing green woodland and fields to you?  Perhaps even Yoga retreats and sunsets or rises?

Or does sound like an unreachable goal that you never seem to get to grips with.

I looked for the definition of wellbeing.  The words that came back were comfort, health, happiness and prosperity.

I have realised from treating many reflexology clients that wellbeing means something different to each person.

For those in reasonable health and comfort wellbeing is a treat, a 'like to have'.  It is optional and they can take it or leave it as they have more enjoyment to look forward to as part of their day.

For those in chronic ill health and pain or dealing with stress, overwhelm and anxiety, wellbeing is a 'must have'.

I have some clients who by the time they have found me, have been through consultants, lengthy consultations, vigorous investigations and put on waiting lists for appointments.  They are still experiencing their symptoms of pain, mental stress and ill health and they are tired.

Before their reflexology session they share some details of their current state of health with me before they get on the couch to experience an hour of comfort.  It's time to stop, receive a therapy that does not claim to cure or diagnose.  Reflexology is about allowing the space for you to relax and let the stress around your ill health go.

After the session, the comments my clients come out with are

"I haven't felt relaxation like that in a long time."


"I feel like I'm walking on clouds"

I invite them to hold that feeling of relaxation as something they can connect with later in the week if they are not feeling so well.


What are your go to's as part of your Wellbeing routine?

They can be the smallest thing like

Enjoying a coffee in the sunshine or watching the pouring rain against your windows.
Reading a book.
Meditation or following your breath.
Gentle movement or an exercise routine.
Eating nourishing food or sharing a big slice of cake with your friend.
Sleep; treat yourself to a good sleep routine for rest your body and mind needs.

Remember the things that work for you  will bring you back to a state of comfort, health, happiness and prosperity.



If you need some help with your state of wellbeing, please call me on 07734 695 964 for a chat or use the link below to book a reflexology or facial session.

I offer Reflexology in East Dean on the South Downs.  You can get to me easily if you're looking for Reflexology in Eastbourne, Seaford, Lewes, Hailsham or Brighton.

Book A Reflexology or Facial Session for Wellbeing

Take care of you x


Puffy Eyes


Jaw Tension