Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

How Good does it feel to rest?

I met a friend for coffee the other day.  She was rundown, she had too much on and so many worries.She ran off the list of commitments and chores she need to do to keep her job, home and family running.

One thing that struck me was that she even saw walking the dogs as a chore.  It was something that needed to be done every day.  Not just every day, but TWICE a day!  They are energetic dogs!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

What Does Wellbeing Mean To You?

When you hear the word 'Wellbeing' does it bring image of walks on sandy beaches, glowing green woodland and fields to you? Perhaps even Yoga retreats and sunsets or rises?

Or does sound like an unreachable goal that you never seem to get to grips with.

I looked for the definition of wellbeing. The words that came back were comfort, health, happiness and prosperity.

I have realised from treating many reflexology clients that wellbeing means something different to each person.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Menopause; How Reflexology Can Help

Some breeze through it and others can feel like their world is falling apart.  That’s not surprising when you read the list below of physical and emotional symptoms that menopause can bring.

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