How Good does it feel to rest?

I met a friend for coffee the other day.  She was rundown, she had too much on and so many worries.
She ran off the list of commitments and chores she need to do to keep her job, home and family running.

One thing that struck me was that she even saw walking the dogs as a chore.  It was something that needed to be done every day.  Not just every day, but TWICE a day!  They are energetic dogs!

So I suggested to my friend, what if she went for a walk without the dogs?  Take some time for herself?
Let another member of the family walk the dogs for one day or arrange a family rota so it became less of a chore.
Then she could get out and have some fresh air without feeling she is doing it for
someone or something else!
She might also enjoy it more when it was her turn with the dogs at beach or on the South Downs.


Rest can come in many ways.  You can put your feet up and watch Netflix, you can book yourself in for some Reflexology or facial or you can go for a country or beach side walk.

The most important approach to rest is that you know you are doing it for yourself.
You are being present while you are taking your time out.
You are not rushing from one self care practice to another
or feeling obliged to be doing it on someone else's agenda.


Then you are taking the time to absorb and enjoy your environment and how you feel.

As we parted, my friend said she felt so much better after our chat.
She took onboard my suggestion about walking without the dogs yet thought it would be strange leaving the dogs behind while she was out getting some exercise.
It takes time to make space for these changes in our lives and I think the time has come for my friend!

How about you?

What changes can you make to ensure you are truly present to giving yourself the space to rest and nurture?
What benefits to your life will this bring?


Click HERE to book in for your Reflexology or Luxury Facial.
Take a drive over to East Dean and retreat into my gorgeous salon.
Allow yourself to surrender to an hour or so of tranquility to nourish and restore your soul.


Facial Cupping


Adrenal Fatigue