Adrenal Fatigue

You've heard the term Adrenal Fatigue plenty of times, especially if you are a midlife woman.

So what is it, how do you know if you have it and what can you do about it?

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal Fatigue is considered to be a set of symptoms including prolonged exposure to stress could drain the adrenals leading to a low cortisol state. The adrenal depletion would cause brain fog, low energy, depressive mood, salt and sweet cravings, lightheadedness, and other vague symptoms.

However, whilst doing my research for this blog, I came across the Harvard Medical School website.

This and other medical websites suggest:

"The Endocrinology Society and all the other medical specialties do not recognise this condition.
The Endocrinologists are categorical: "no scientific proof exists to support adrenal fatigue as a true medical condition."
This disconnect between conventional and complementary medicine adds to the frustration."


If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, it may be worth visiting your GP.

Self care tips, including, slowing down or stopping what you are doing completely.
If you are feeling very fatigued and stressed ask for some time off work.
Take a look at how you are eating and stay hydrated.
Get regular exercise in that suits you and your lifestyle.
The reason why exercise is so important, whether it be a gentle walk, yoga or a 10 mile run is
that the stagnant energy in your body has an opportunity to move and be released.
If you are not getting enough movement in your weekly routine, this can cause a build up of stress and feeling
of fatigue, leading to over thinking, brain fog and not sleeping well.


If you are feeling fatigued, overwhelmed and would love to retreat, reset and restore your health and vitality, I invite you to visit to my beautiful treatment room in the village of East Dean.

My VIP Luxury Pamper Top to Toe Sessions are super popular with hot towels, luxury oils, facial and Reflexology.

Book your relaxing Reflexology or Indulgent Facial by clicking HERE.


How Good does it feel to rest?


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