Winter Wellbeing; How to minimise the winter blues

Have the winter blues set in for you yet?

I'm not going to lie,  The sky was pitch black when the alarm went off this morning.
For a moment I thought it was the dead of night, then realised we are in the darkest months of the year which for some can feel quite oppressive and isolating.

The days are short in light but this doesn't last don't last for long.

You may feel like you're lower in energy and you want to stay in all the time.  Thats ok!
There are plenty of ways to nurture yourself during the winter months.

Here are some tips to help you create a simple winter wellbeing routine.

Reading and Absorbing Knowledge
This is the perfect time to snuggle up and get through that research, literature or marathon autobiography you've wanted to get into for so long.  It will certainly pass the time while the shorter days are here and you will learn something new too!

Walk And Look For The Beauty In Nature.
It may look bleak out there but a bracing breath of fresh air can do you the world of good.  Get some gentle exercise in nature.  If you tend to notice all the dead plants and no colour, look instead for the different shades of greenery, the textures of bark on the trees, how about the silhouettes of the branches of the trees against the blanket of winter sky?  Take a different perspective and you will find beauty in the day.

Connect With Friends & Loved Ones Earlier In The Day
Meet up when it's brighter.  Even if you meet in a cafe or make a phone call.  You are all more likely to be lighter in mood and more cheery.  You can have a chat over a cuppa or take short walk before returning back to your homes to warm up.

Give Yourself A Hug
Giving yourself a hug is great for self soothing, regulating your nervous system and your emotional response.
It can give you a little boost of dopamine and oxytocin, lowers cortisol, reduces pain and makes you more self aware.  Maybe aware enough to realise your muscles and body is in need of soothing so perhaps it could do with a soothing bath.

Epsom Salt Baths
Epsom Salt Baths  or Sea Bath Salts can be perfect for soothing aches and pains and restoring your wellbeing. Adding some essential oils like Geranium, Bergamot or Frankincense can help to regulate your nervous system

Sometimes it can be hard to find things to be grateful for, especially at this time of year.
Being grateful for the small things can help re wire your brain to look for the positive and can send reward signals like a burst of oxytocin around your body for that feel good factor!

Mindfulness, Meditation & Breathing
Being mindful of your thoughts can improve your energy levels.  Constantly being in your head, overthinking can become draining.  Get comfortable in a chair, then some time to take some gentle breaths, feel your feet connecting with the ground, close your eyes and notice your thoughts.  When you become an observer of your thoughts, you may be able to separate yourself from or even turn them around into kinder thoughts.

Nourishing Food
Warm broths, winter veg, whole grains.  Eat the heavier food during the day and lighter food if any, in the evening.
Your internal organs may benefit from you drinking warmer drinks like ginger tea or fennel to replace cold water for hydration.  Instead of sugary cakes and biscuits for comfort how about a cacao powder and oat milk hot chocolate?
It is filling, sweet,  warming and just so good!

This is the time when treatments are my GO TO!  Its one thing taking things slow, but make sure your energy does not stagnate leading to low moods, winter blues, looking dull and tired.  Reflexology or Zone Face Lift Therapy will encourage blood  and lymph flow.  Give a boost to your wellbeing and a gentle lift to your energy and spirits.

Click on this BOOK NOW link if you'd like to arrange an appointment.

Jane Long is a Reflexologist, Facial Reflexologist and Wellbeing Coach.
She practices in her treatment room in Eastbourne and also runs online wellbeing and facial workshops via zoom.
For more details visit


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