Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Breathing; It’s Your Energy Life Force

Your breath.  It's the one thing you can count on.

It is your constant. It is your Energy Life Force. Breathing nourishes your body.It sends red blood cells filled with oxygen to your organs, your skin and it also heals and repairs injury.

How else can breathing help you?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Manifest Through Movement

Why am I writing about manifesting?  And what does it have to do with movement?

We all know how good for us exercise and movement is.

It improves our heart health, our muscle tone and gives us a boost to our endorphins and feel good factor plus so much more.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing


Walking.  We all do it.  Some more than others.Many of us have an app which tells us how many steps we are doing each day.

But what are the benefits to walking?Does it matter if it's walking around the office or do we need to get some countryside stomps in too?

Here's what I discovered.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Moments Of Joy

How many moments of joy have you had recently?

Would you even realise if you had a moment of joy or would it be so fleeting, you'd soon be distracted by the next worry or problem?

Do you make time and space in your day for a moment of joy?

Sometimes we can let life get the better of us and overwhelm can set in.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Mindfulness; What Is It and What Are The Benefits

Stress, overwhelm, fatigue are all too familiar for a lot of people.

With family life, work, exposure to constant information through our phonesand more we can soon get weighed under with the pressures of the day.

Thats when mindfulness becomes a good practice.

Mindfulness is the awareness of ourselves inside and out.

Thich Naht Hahns famous phrase describes mindfulness perfectly

"Paying attention on purpose in the present moment."

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Winter Wellbeing; How to minimise the winter blues

Have the winter blues set in for you yet?

I'm not going to lie,  The sky was pitch black when the alarm went off this morning.For a moment I thought it was the dead of night, then realised we are in the darkest months of the year which for some can feel quite oppressive and isolating.

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