Mindfulness; What Is It and What Are The Benefits

Stress, overwhelm, fatigue are all too familiar for a lot of people.

With family life, work, exposure to constant information through our phones
and more we can soon get weighed under with the pressures of the day.

Thats when mindfulness becomes a good practice.

Mindfulness is the awareness of ourselves inside and out.

Thich Naht Hahns famous phrase describes mindfulness perfectly

"Paying attention on purpose in the present moment."

Mindfulness helps you become more aware of whatever emotions, sounds, thoughts or sensations
you are feeling at the time.

If, for example you are feeling low and have negative thoughts, practicing mindfulness will help you become more aware of each thought and in time and with practice you are able to turn the negative thought into a more pleasant, relaxing thought.

If you are eating too fast and experience digestive issues, again, you can use mindfulness to practice making the way you eat a more pleasurable and sensorial experience.  Being present with every mouthful you take instead of being distracted with your phone or busy thoughts.

It is normal to have an active mind and it is normal for our minds to wander and want to know more.

When the mind can over think, it is good practice to take your attention away from your thoughts and focus on your breath.

It is said that your breath is the bridge between mind and body.

The more you focus on your breath, the calmer you will feel and your thoughts will disapate.

There are 7 attitudes of mindfulness.

Beginners Mind
Letting Go

These attitudes are a good framework to live by.
They can help reduce conflict and create more peace and calm in your life.


Moments Of Joy


Self Soothe