
Walking.  We all do it.  Some more than others.
Many of us have an app which tells us how many steps we are doing each day.

But what are the benefits to walking?
Does it matter if it's walking around the office or do we need to get some countryside stomps in too?

Here's what I discovered.

In an office environment it's very easy to stay sitting for long periods of time.
Even when we get up to move or are encouraged to take the flight of stairs instead of the lift or walk to the coffee machine, you are still in work mode and not switched on to the benefits of connecting to your body while walking.

When you are walking out in the countryside, you're more likely to come across some hills to walk up.
This will help you burn more calories and work muscles that may have not been used for quite some time.

Walking in the outdoors and countryside, is more freeing as you can admire the view,
feel the elements on your face and skin, it's something you can share with others.
Walking and talking is a wonderful way to connect with others and talk through the experiences that life throws at you.

When you walk in the open and fresh air, the way you breathe changes.
You are more likely to take longer deeper breaths to feed the oxygen to your muscles and body to keep you going.
You'll feel invigorated as your circulation is promoted and the feeling of wellbeing improves.

Whilst walking, especially in the country or along the coast, you are more likely to gain mental clarity,
new ideas and inspiration may come to you....so make sure you carry a notebook and pen or make
a voice note with all those amazing ideas that come to your clear, refreshed vision.

Here are some more reasons why walking is so good for you.

Strengthen your heart
Lower blood sugar
Improves your moods
Boosts your immune function
Boots your energy
Reduces aching joints and muscles
Build stamina
Clears your mind, mental clarity, inspiration and creativity.

How often do you walk?  Where is your favourite place to walk?  Do you like to walk alone or with other people?

I'd love to know


Jane x


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