Rituals Bring Results


It's not all about candles and crystals.  Rituals are part of our every day lives.

From the moment we get up in the morning.
We have a morning ritual or routine of exercise or making our favourite coffee.
It is a marker to connect and set the intention for the way we want the day to begin.

Coming together in as a group of women to practice rituals of self care and reflection make the practice more powerful.

When sharing a ritual or common activity, it makes it more meaningful, we gain more purpose and clarity.
It gives us a boost in our emotional wellbeing.

By sharing rituals and self care, we can share our versions and experiences.
We end up learning more and feeling more empowered and as if we are
collectively doing or being part of something worthwhile.

We can also support each other as we work through different emotions and challenges through life.

 This is why I created the
Midlife Radiance Room.

The Midlife Radiance Room is a vibrant community of midlife woman who are visible, vibrant and valuable.

We come together to practice the ritual of skin care, self care and mindset to guide us through our midyears.

Want to know more?

Click on the Midlife Radiance Room link here


email jane@janelongwellbeing.com and ask to be subscribed to my

Midlife Radiance Room mail list.


Jane x


Manifest Through Movement

