Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Coerced Into Christmas

I've lost the battle again!

This year it's only between me and my daughter.

My son has lost interest in the festive season.....apart from the presents of course!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are one of the many symptoms that can arrive with menopause.

For some women they are mild, but for others they are constant and can take over their lives.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Skin Nourishing Cafe

I'm excited to share that I am holding a new event.

The Skin Nourishing Cafe

Come and join me for 2 fabulous hours of mindfulness at the Skin Nourishing Cafe.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Breathing; It’s Your Energy Life Force

Your breath.  It's the one thing you can count on.

It is your constant. It is your Energy Life Force. Breathing nourishes your body.It sends red blood cells filled with oxygen to your organs, your skin and it also heals and repairs injury.

How else can breathing help you?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Rituals Bring Results


It's not all about candles and crystals.  Rituals are part of our every day lives.

From the moment we get up in the morning.

We have a morning ritual or routine of exercise or making our favourite coffee.

It is a marker to connect and set the intention for the way we want the day to begin.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

The Power Of Support

I am grateful for all the love and support I receiveIt is the most precious of life's gifts.

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