Manifest Through Movement

Why am I writing about manifesting?  And what does it have to do with movement?

We all know how good for us exercise and movement is.

It improves our heart health, our muscle tone and gives us a boost to our endorphins
and feel good factor plus so much more.

But did you know the fascia around our muscles, organs and glands can store old memories and emotions?

What is fascia and why can it store all this old memory?

There are several different types of fascia in the body and here I am simplifying a complex part of the body.

It is a fibrous connective tissue that wraps around muscles, glands and organs.
It is made up mostly of collagen and is found all over our bodies.

Amongst many other roles, it serves as a passage way for lymph, nerve and blood vessels.

So what has this got to do with manifesting or releasing old emotions?

Well it is known that our mind and body are connected through the breath and nervous system.

Each time we have a thought our body will react and store that reaction.

Our body will subtly move or we will hold our body to act out that thought.

If we want to change our behaviours, release old memories and thoughts,
bring a new thought to mind and move as if that thought had already come into existence.

For example, if you desire a materialistic item like a new car,
start using your body and act as if you already have the car.
Create the thought that you have the car, the feeling,
the emotion and desire of that thought will transmit into your fascia
and you will then allow your body to act out that emotion and desire.

Your car will eventually manifest because you are acting out your thought.

Say for example you want more love or happiness in your life.

The idea is for you to cultivate the love or happiness within yourself first.

So, bring the thought to mind that you want happiness or love.

Experience the feeling, desire and emotion of it.

Then allow yourself to embody it through breath and movement.

Breathe into your heart and abdomen, move as if you are already a happy person or a person who experiences love.

Change your demeanour.

Play with this idea and see how you get on.

Again, this is a very simplistic write up of movement and manifestation.

It is something we explore more in the Midlife Radiance Room.

Want to know more?  You can either join the Midlife Radiance Room facebook group or you can email and ask for more details about the Midlife Radiance Room membership.


Jane x


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