Mental Health Awareness

Its Mental Health Awareness Week.

It can be easy to get stuck in our own thoughts, over think things, catastrophise something that probably won’t happen. Our brains are trained to protect us.
It brings up memories and feelings to remind us not to repeat something that might hurt or harm us. Another thing to be aware of is that our brains can magnify that memory. So whether the memory was from a minor disagreement or injury or to something more traumatic, our brains can amplify it. We then embody the feeling and emotion that comes with the memory and that can make us feel stuck.

Our mental health can especially be affected as we enter the menopause years. With fluctuating hormones, it is common to experience the onset stress, anxiety and over

If you are feeling stuck and need support with your mental health, firstly acknowledge your feelings and emotions as valid.
Your body and your mind are always working in your best interests.

This year the Mental Health Foundation are focusing on movement to improve our mental health.

Moving your body and reconnecting to being present can lift your mood and help you feel calmer and brighter mentally.

Moving can come in many ways.
You may want to join a running club, go to a yoga class, or meet a friend for a walk around the block!
Being social and moving is proven to give you a boost to your mental health and wellbeing. Or you may want to start off gently and bring some stretching moves into your routine. The key is to create a consistent routine and some ‘go to’ habits that you can use when you know your mental health is in need of support.

Set Yourself A Morning Routine
This is a way of confirming to yourself that you have done something for yourself. You have created some space for some self care. This is the foundation to how the rest of your day will run. With practice and consistency your days will improve by sticking to a simple morning self care routine. You can make it a 5 minute or 30 minute routine. Make sure you start your day with YOU focusing on YOU!

Here is a morning routine that can be done in 10 minutes!
It involves your body moving in some way.
Set the intention to create movement internally and externally and see how you feel after.

A Morning Routine

Start your day with a glass of water.
You can add some mint or lemon to freshen it up or add some boiled water to a mug to help wake up your organs and flush out any toxins.

Take some gentle breaths in through your nose and out through your nose.
Notice the cool air as you breathe in and the warm air as you breathe out.
See if you can make your breath subtle, quiet and calm.

Stand Outside
Face the sun for a few minutes.
Even if it is cloudy, absorb the early morning rays for your vitamin D boost
of the day!

Massage your scalp firmly with the tips of your fingers, then put your hands into fist shape massage your neck downwards with the flats of your fingers.
Then with the palms of your hands stroke across your upper chest and down your arms

Take some time to stretch in a way that feels right for you.
Youtube is excellent for easy to follow video routines if you want some inspiration.
Or shake your legs, arms and then your whole body.
Shaking is an excellent way to release stress we don’t realise we are carrying.
Its a great mood lifter too, especially if you are shaking and moving to music.
Finish with placing your feet firmly on the ground. Feel your heels, balls of your feet and pads of your toes firmly connecting with the ground.
Breathe gently in and send your breath al the way down to your feet and release.

Remember, create some consistency to your routine and do what feels right for you!

Get in touch! Did you find a new routine that you’d like to share?

Message Jane today for more tips on how to help with your mental health and wellbeing.




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