Nurture Yourself This Winter
The winter months are upon us.
Some people experience low mood, anxiety, overwhelm andduring the darker months and the feeling of isolation can also set in.
It’s also an opportunity to slow down, rest and restore.
Here are some self care tips to lift your mood during the darkest season of the year
Breathing; It’s Your Energy Life Force
Your breath. It's the one thing you can count on.
It is your constant. It is your Energy Life Force. Breathing nourishes your body.It sends red blood cells filled with oxygen to your organs, your skin and it also heals and repairs injury.
How else can breathing help you?
Keep Your Self Care Simple
I went on a Breath, Body, Mind fundamentals training over the weekend.
It highlighted to me how underestimated something as simple as breathing can have a big impact on our health.
By simply paying attention to our breath with intention.