Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Sagging Skin

Sagging Skin is an inevitable sign of our ageing process.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Taking The stress away

We all experience stress from time to time. Some more than others.

It's good to know you have a wonderful peaceful sanctuary to retreat to in the South Downs.

 I'll confess, I've been feeling the stress over the last month or so.Whilst summer has been relaxing, there are lots of changes going on which can take time to adjust to.

So I'm updating my self care routine that keeps me in check.

I wonder how you ease your stresses?

Here are some reminder tips of how to keep a sense of balance and calm in your life.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Zone Face Lift, Feeling Fabulous after one treatment

Lesley is 59 and married with 2 grown up children. She has had a busy career to date having worked in advertising, marketing and interior design. She now has her own company, the Ladies Who Lunch Boutique, an online business, which she runs with her sister and close frie

nd and creates a range of different jewellery, in fact pieces of jewellery that women want to wear. The business has grown over the years and now has a clothing range, bags and gifts. Her home is in a small village just outside Eastbourne having lived in various parts of Asia and Oxfordshire in the past. In her spare time, if she has any, she likes to paint, dance and go to art exhibitions. She describes herself as ‘very arty’!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Reflexology leads to a comfortable birth

Emily is 37 and married to Mark, a telephone engineer and they live in Eastbourne with Ruben aged 5, baby Olive, just 10 weeks old and their cat, Honey. Emily works as a receptionist at a local garage and has always been involved with administrative and front of house duties. Her first baby had to be induced and she was keen to avoid this with her second child. She carried out some research and discovered that reflexology treatments might be the answer to avoiding this scenario again. 

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Reflexology helps reduce Stress & anxiety

I am treating more and more clients for stress and anxiety in my Reflexology clinic.

Many have been signed off work to try and recover.  Some are on medication and others are not.  Some have emotionally “cut them selves off”. They cannot say how they feel.  The best way some of my clients can describe how they feel is “vacant”, “empty” or “numb”.

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