Reflexology helps reduce Stress & anxiety

I am treating more and more clients for stress and anxiety in my Reflexology clinic.

Many have been signed off work to try and recover.  Some are on medication and others are not.  Some have emotionally “cut them selves off”. They cannot say how they feel.  The best way some of my clients can describe how they feel is “vacant”, “empty” or “numb”.So what happens when you book into visit to Long Wellbeing

Firstly, I talk with my clients and ask a few general health questions.  By listening to them I can get a better understanding of where their energy is blocked or stagnated and needs releasing.  The body is reflected on a Reflexology map and is based on the foot along 10 longitudinal lines. So I can then give a treatment specific to their needs.

When the Reflexology session begins, I make sure they are comfortably lying on their back on the treatment couch.  If someone is highly stressed, I can encourage them to be more aware of their breathing.  I then start the Reflexology with A LOT of relaxation techniques and then continue to give an hour long session.  During this hour, all my client can do is lie there and receive the treatment.  This is a massive part of the therapy.  People who are highly stressed are not used to giving themselves time out and receiving.  They are usually the ones giving away all their reserves and energy, whether it be at work or home life.  They may even have experienced a recent trauma.   Reflexology releases a lot of stress and tension during the session and I notice a real positive difference in my clients demeanour as they come to the end of their hour.

This is a brilliant summary by Lynn Booth, the creator of Vertical Reflex Therapy.

“Reflexologists are trained to help balance the mind and body and to maintain this state of homeostasis the body needs to run smoothly. When there is a malfunction in the body it is thrown off balance. Reflexology helps to sustain a natural equilibrium in every gland, organ, muscle, tissue and cell in the body through stimulation of pressure points, called reflexes on the hands and feet.”

People who live with stress and anxiety experience a lot of tension in the upper part of their body, head, neck shoulders and digestive areas.  So this is why Reflexology is so good for this condition.  Treating the feet is encouraging their energy to flow more freely all around their body.  Touching the feet helps them to feel grounded.  I have previously posted links to my Jane Long Wellbeing Facebook page about the importance of Grounding, walking bare foot and getting in touch with nature.  Getting out in the country and trips to the coast will definitely help those with stress and anxiety.

It will take more than one Reflexology session to feel that sense of balance and wellbeing, but thats what its all about.  These symptoms relating to stress and anxiety are there to slow you down.  It’s your body telling you that it’s time for a change or to start doing things in a different way. It’s time to look at yourself and invest in yourself.  And what better way to do that then to book yourself in for some Calm Therapy Reflexology.

Jane Long MAR has 15 years experience as a Reflexologist.  She also practises Facial Reflexology and Reiki in Old Town, Eastbourne.  For more information and to get in touch with Jane please phone 07734 695 964, email or visit Jane Long Wellbeing



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