Reflexology leads to a comfortable birth

Emily is 37 and married to Mark, a telephone engineer and they live in Eastbourne with Ruben aged 5, baby Olive, just 10 weeks old and their cat, Honey. Emily works as a receptionist at a local garage and has always been involved with administrative and front of house duties. Her first baby had to be induced and she was keen to avoid this with her second child. She carried out some research and discovered that reflexology treatments might be the answer to avoiding this scenario again. 

Why were you looking for reflexology?

Well, I wasn’t looking for reflexology in particular, but for alternative therapies as my first baby was induced at 42 weeks and this was something I desperately wanted to try and avoid. By searching the web I read that reflexology could help and although I was massively sceptical of alternative therapies I really was prepared to try anything. I had also been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Can you tell us more about gestational diabetes?

It’s actually high blood sugar that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after giving birth and in fact 1 in 20 pregnant women will develop this.

How did you find Calm Therapy?

I just searched for reflexology in Eastbourne and found Calm Therapy and called their number. This proved to be my first chat with Jane who owns the company and she said that she would certainly be able to prepare my body for labour and would do everything to help, although of course she couldn’t guarantee that my second baby wouldn’t have to be induced. So, at 34 weeks, I booked my first ever reflexology session and I went along every week to Calm Therapy until Olive was born, in fact my last session was 2 days prior to the birth of my daughter.  

What happened at your reflexology sessions?

We initially talked about my situation and Jane took notes and did all the necessary paperwork. She asked about aches and pains that I had and I actually didn’t think I had any! However, Jane hit a couple of pressure points on my feet and asked if my hips had been hurting. I said that they had, but I thought that this was pretty normal considering my situation and I had got used to feeling stiff in that area of my body. I was waking up with pain in my hips, which didn’t go away until late morning, by which time I had had a chance to loosen up. I had wrongly assumed that it was all down to lying in one position! Jane then worked on a couple of pressure points and amazingly my hips were never painful again!

Did Jane help with any other aches and pains?

Well, yes! I had a stiff neck and I thought it was all down to falling asleep sitting up, as I was experiencing heartburn, but again Jane was able to relieve the pain. She also “fixed” my sciatica. Now that I think back, I find it quite amusing that we would play a little game of Jane trying to discover problematic areas. She would quite often ask if I was experiencing pain in a certain area and of course I was.

How was the birth of your child?

I can only really describe it as a “discomfort free pregnancy”! And I really feel that this had a lot to do with the reflexology sessions.

What would you say to anyone who is sceptical of reflexology treatments?

Jane never claimed that she could cure anything, but now that I have experienced reflexology, I would always make a visit to Calm Therapy my first port of call before taking any tablets for pain. I have nothing negative to say about Jane and if nothing else, you do get a heavenly foot massage for an hour. You can also have hand or facial reflexology if you don’t like your feet being touched.

How would you describe Jane at Calm Therapy?

Jane is a lovely relaxed person and easy going. I think it’s important that you feel comfortable with someone who is touching your feet, as it’s quite personal. And she 100% knows her stuff.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

We love to do things as a family and enjoy spending time on the beach, which is close by and walking and playing with Ruben, who loves riding his bike. We went to Wales in February, which we really enjoyed.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Jane never makes any false promises and she is never pushy. I would certainly recommend reflexology to any pregnant ladies, as I’m sure it will make you a lot more comfortable. Oh, I’m also intending to resume my reflexology sessions soon.

Thank you Emily for the interview.

What To Do Next

If you would like to learn more about how reflexology can help you through your pregnancy and perhaps allow you to have that discomfort free birth, call Calm Therapy on 07734 695964. Jane is a fully qualified therapist, experienced at helping expectant mums with this safe treatment.

Emily is 37 and married to Mark, a telephone engineer and they live in Eastbourne with Ruben aged 5, baby Olive, just 10 weeks old and their cat, Honey. Emily works as a receptionist at a local garage and has always been involved with administrative and front of house duties. Her first baby had to be induced and she was keen to avoid this with her second child. She carried out some research and discovered that reflexology treatments might be the answer to avoiding this scenario again. 

Why were you looking for reflexology?

Well, I wasn’t looking for reflexology in particular, but for alternative therapies as my first baby was induced at 42 weeks and this was something I desperately wanted to try and avoid. By searching the web I read that reflexology could help and although I was massively sceptical of alternative therapies I really was prepared to try anything. I had also been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Can you tell us more about gestational diabetes?

It’s actually high blood sugar that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after giving birth and in fact 1 in 20 pregnant women will develop this.

How did you find Calm Therapy?

I just searched for reflexology in Eastbourne and found Calm Therapy and called their number. This proved to be my first chat with Jane who owns the company and she said that she would certainly be able to prepare my body for labour and would do everything to help, although of course she couldn’t guarantee that my second baby wouldn’t have to be induced. So, at 34 weeks, I booked my first ever reflexology session and I went along every week to Calm Therapy until Olive was born, in fact my last session was 2 days prior to the birth of my daughter.  

What happened at your reflexology sessions?

We initially talked about my situation and Jane took notes and did all the necessary paperwork. She asked about aches and pains that I had and I actually didn’t think I had any! However, Jane hit a couple of pressure points on my feet and asked if my hips had been hurting. I said that they had, but I thought that this was pretty normal considering my situation and I had got used to feeling stiff in that area of my body. I was waking up with pain in my hips, which didn’t go away until late morning, by which time I had had a chance to loosen up. I had wrongly assumed that it was all down to lying in one position! Jane then worked on a couple of pressure points and amazingly my hips were never painful again!

Did Jane help with any other aches and pains?

Well, yes! I had a stiff neck and I thought it was all down to falling asleep sitting up, as I was experiencing heartburn, but again Jane was able to relieve the pain. She also “fixed” my sciatica. Now that I think back, I find it quite amusing that we would play a little game of Jane trying to discover problematic areas. She would quite often ask if I was experiencing pain in a certain area and of course I was.

How was the birth of your child?

I can only really describe it as a “discomfort free pregnancy”! And I really feel that this had a lot to do with the reflexology sessions.

What would you say to anyone who is sceptical of reflexology treatments?

Jane never claimed that she could cure anything, but now that I have experienced reflexology, I would always make a visit to Calm Therapy my first port of call before taking any tablets for pain. I have nothing negative to say about Jane and if nothing else, you do get a heavenly foot massage for an hour. You can also have hand or facial reflexology if you don’t like your feet being touched.

How would you describe Jane at Calm Therapy?

Jane is a lovely relaxed person and easy going. I think it’s important that you feel comfortable with someone who is touching your feet, as it’s quite personal. And she 100% knows her stuff.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

We love to do things as a family and enjoy spending time on the beach, which is close by and walking and playing with Ruben, who loves riding his bike. We went to Wales in February, which we really enjoyed.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Jane never makes any false promises and she is never pushy. I would certainly recommend reflexology to any pregnant ladies, as I’m sure it will make you a lot more comfortable. Oh, I’m also intending to resume my reflexology sessions soon.

Thank you Emily for the interview.

What To Do Next

If you would like to learn more about how reflexology can help you through your pregnancy and perhaps allow you to have that discomfort free birth, call Calm Therapy on 07734 695964. Jane is a fully qualified therapist, experienced at helping expectant mums with this safe treatment.


Reflexology During Pregnancy. A Therapists View


Fertility Issues? Try Reflexology