Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Sagging Skin

Sagging Skin is an inevitable sign of our ageing process.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Facial Cupping

What Is Facial Cupping?

You may have heard of the traditional Chinese cupping where celebrities and sports stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Michael Phelps have a display of red and purple bruises on their backs, shoulders and legs to sooth sore muscles and manage pain.

Facial cupping is different from that.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

The Benefits Of Facial Reflexology, A Clients Point Of View

Alison is 59 and shares her home on the beautiful seafront of Eastbourne with her wonderful cat Tilly. She has 2 grown up boys and 2 grandchildren aged 8 and 3. Alison has had a really interesting career and has no plans to retire and runs 2 very successful businesses, namely Aeracura Image, founded in 2012 where as an Image Consultant she helps women make the right clothing, style and make-up choices and she is also an independent consultant with Arbonne, the Swiss skincare and makeup company.  She admits that Aeracura started as a hobby but 6 years later, it has developed into a thriving business and as a qualified make-up and skin care consultant, she also offers expert advice on the Arbonne range of natural products. She recently sold the highly successful Natural Fitness & Therapy Centre in Eastbourne. Alison knows the importance of maintaining a work/life balance and she feels it is really important to take time out for herself and to relax, with includes indulging in a variety of therapies including reflexology.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Reflexology leads to a comfortable birth

Emily is 37 and married to Mark, a telephone engineer and they live in Eastbourne with Ruben aged 5, baby Olive, just 10 weeks old and their cat, Honey. Emily works as a receptionist at a local garage and has always been involved with administrative and front of house duties. Her first baby had to be induced and she was keen to avoid this with her second child. She carried out some research and discovered that reflexology treatments might be the answer to avoiding this scenario again. 

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

How Reflexology may Improve your Sleep

It’s a fact; we all need a good nights sleep and you will regularly hear me say “Sleep is the best remedy”.

Sleep patterns can be disrupted for many reasons including stress, depression, side effects of medication, pain or indigestion.

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, poor concentration, greater risk of heart disease and stroke, hormone imbalances, mood swings  and depression.

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