How Reflexology may Improve your Sleep

It’s a fact; we all need a good nights sleep and you will regularly hear me say “Sleep is the best remedy”.

Sleep patterns can be disrupted for many reasons including stress, depression, side effects of medication, pain or indigestion.

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, poor concentration, greater risk of heart disease and stroke, hormone imbalances, mood swings  and depression.

How Can Reflexology Help?

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing, non-invasive therapy.
The treatments aim to reduce symptoms of physical and emotional stress which can manifest in many ways. A full treatment may release stress, anxiety and tension. This in turn may boost your energy levels.  Treating yourself to regular Reflexology aims to promote good health, emotional wellbeing and vitality.
Most importantly, Reflexology is a therapy that ANYONE can enjoy.

Benefits of Reflexology:

  • Release your tension

  • Improve your sleep

  • Improve your moods

  • Increase your wellbeing

Stimulating points including the spine, especially the neck and shoulders, the diaphragm and lungs.  Hormone reflexes including pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals and then the solar plexus, all help to aid a better nights sleep.

Self Help Tips For Better Sleep.

  • Don’t eat after 7pm and eat a light evening meal.

  • No Caffeine after 4pm

  • No Drinks at all after 7pm

  • No Screens including mobile phones or tablets after 8pm

  • Don’t watch the News Channels after 9pm

  • Try reading before bed

  • Meditate for 10 mins per day.

  • Visualise and focus on the positive moments of your day.

  • Soak In The Bath.

  • Exercise during the day, brisk walk or even a light jog!

You could ask a friend or partner to give you some Hand Reflexology.
Click on this AOR YouTube Hand Reflexology link from the Association Of Reflexologists about Hand Reflexology tips to aid a better nights sleep.

Click here to BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT today with Jane.




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