The Benefits Of Facial Reflexology, A Clients Point Of View

Alison is 59 and shares her home on the beautiful seafront of Eastbourne with her wonderful cat Tilly. She has 2 grown up boys and 2 grandchildren aged 8 and 3. Alison has had a really interesting career and has no plans to retire and runs 2 very successful businesses, namely Aeracura Image, founded in 2012 where as an Image Consultant she helps women make the right clothing, style and make-up choices and she is also an independent consultant with Arbonne, the Swiss skincare and makeup company.  She admits that Aeracura started as a hobby but 6 years later, it has developed into a thriving business and as a qualified make-up and skin care consultant, she also offers expert advice on the Arbonne range of natural products. She recently sold the highly successful Natural Fitness & Therapy Centre in Eastbourne. Alison knows the importance of maintaining a work/life balance and she feels it is really important to take time out for herself and to relax, with includes indulging in a variety of therapies including reflexology.

How and when did you hear about Calm Therapy?

I actually met Jane from Calm Therapy at a networking event late last year. I’m always interested in different forms of therapy having had my own company and I’m always pleased to meet people involved in alternative therapies. I liked Jane immediately and in many respects it was a reciprocal thing. Jane was interested in my work as an Image Consultant and me in her business. It seemed natural for me to book a treatment with her and I thought I would try facial reflexology.

What prompted you to try Facial Reflexology?

If I’m completely honest, I hadn’t heard of facial reflexology before and I was keen to try it. The session was predominantly facial reflexology although we finished with some foot reflexology. I was so impressed that I booked again. Arriving for my next session, Jane asked if my medical circumstances had changed and I described that I had experienced some vertigo. This was a contraindication for facial reflexology and Jane felt the session should be reflexology on my feet. I would like to add that I was impressed with Jane’s thoroughness.

How did you feel after the Facial Reflexology?

I felt totally relaxed and calm after the session; in fact it was a really uplifting treatment and my skin felt as though it was glowing. I believe it’s known as a mini facelift and I can vouch for that and the other benefits including improved skin tone and the release of emotional stress from my face. It does have amazing benefits for the skin and promotes the production of new skin tissue and has a real facial rejuvenation effect.

Some people are sceptical about Reflexology – is there anything you would say to put their minds at ease?

Reflexology, as far as I am aware is a completely safe form of therapy and it’s worth giving it a go. I’m a firm believer in the fact that different therapies work for different people – one shoe doesn’t fit all! Many therapies have been around for 100s of years and to my knowledge there are no bad side effects with reflexology, only positive ones, so there is really no harm in giving it a go. However the guidelines I would advise are the importance of establishing a rapport with your therapist, so that you really get on with them and feel comfortable, as therapists are all so different. Make sure they are highly qualified too!

Why do you have reflexology sessions?

It’s time out for me; time when I can totally relax and it helps me to unwind from my busy working schedule.

How would you describe Jane as a therapist?

She comes across as completely professional, knowledgeable and approachable. She 100% knows her stuff and I felt confident that she totally knew what she was doing and I did feel in safe hands. For starters she does a thorough check of any existing medical conditions and any thing that might prevent you having the treatment and as I described earlier, she wasn’t prepared to go ahead with something that had contraindications.

Do you like the Calm Therapy website?

I do. It is clear and easy to navigate and in a competitive business, it does make Jane stand out.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spare time? I do yoga and Pilates and fitness training. I also like to spend time with my grandchildren and friends.

Is there anything you would like to add?

I know some people hate their feet being touched, so facial reflexology could be the answer for them. I also think many women don’t take enough time out for themselves and having treats like facial reflexology is a great “stress buster”.

Thank you Alison for the interview.

Interview carried out for Calm Therapy by Writing and Blogging.

What To Do Next

Jane Long at Calm Therapy is trained in the Ziggie Bergman Method of Facial Reflexology and operates from her lovely studio in the Old Town of Eastbourne. If this is a treatment you would like to try and find out more about it, please call Jane on 07734 695964 or email


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