Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Sagging Skin

Sagging Skin is an inevitable sign of our ageing process.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

When Did You Last Receive A Compliment?

When did you last receive a compliment?

What was your response?

Did it fill you with warmth and a glowing smile or did you play it down and deflect the attention elsewhere?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

The 3 Pillars Of Radiance

I created the three pillars of radiance to support midlife women.

The women who are overwhelmed, fatigued and don’t recognise themselves anymore.

They maybe feeling slightly sensitive to those around them, struggle to regulate their emotions and might even live in their heads a bit too much?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Mother of the bride

The day has arrived when your daughter announces she is to marry her partner!

Of course you are over the moon!The excitement that your girl is getting married, the wonderment of the occasion, a reason to get dressed up and look good in front of family and friends you have not seen for a long time.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Improve Your Mood With this simple tip.

I was at a meeting the other day when I shared an exercise to the room.

It was to lift their mood and improve their energy.

As we practiced this exercise together, the room lit up with peoples smiles and chatter.

Watch the video below and give it a go!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Skin Health For Menopausal Women

It’s a fact that menopause can have a detrimental effect to our skin health

Oestrogen is the hormone responsible for making you feel energetic and vibrant, helping you to maintain healthy skin, hair and enable you to feel clear headed and focus.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

Since training and treating clients with Facial Reflexology and Zone Face Lift Therapy, I have noticed a common pattern occurring amongst women of a certain age.

During the consultation, I ask them, “How do you feel when you look in the mirror..?”  Several women put their hands up to their faces and say ” I look awful!” or “I hate the way I look!”

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Zone Face Lift Therapy. A Natural treatment for sensitive skin

Ally is 54 and lives with her partner in Eastbourne having previously lived in London and Edinburgh. She has a son, aged 17 who is currently studying for his exams. She has worked as an Aromatherapist for over 25 years and this has led to her starting her own business aptly named, “Naturally Healing” where she offers complimentary health therapies including Sukshma Marma Therapy, a healing method through transcendental touch; Asyra Bioenergetic Health Screening and Rahanni Healing.  In her spare time, she enjoys walking, yoga, dancing, swimming, reading and going to the theatre.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Zone Face Lift, Feeling Fabulous after one treatment

Lesley is 59 and married with 2 grown up children. She has had a busy career to date having worked in advertising, marketing and interior design. She now has her own company, the Ladies Who Lunch Boutique, an online business, which she runs with her sister and close frie

nd and creates a range of different jewellery, in fact pieces of jewellery that women want to wear. The business has grown over the years and now has a clothing range, bags and gifts. Her home is in a small village just outside Eastbourne having lived in various parts of Asia and Oxfordshire in the past. In her spare time, if she has any, she likes to paint, dance and go to art exhibitions. She describes herself as ‘very arty’!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

The Benefits Of Facial Reflexology, A Clients Point Of View

Alison is 59 and shares her home on the beautiful seafront of Eastbourne with her wonderful cat Tilly. She has 2 grown up boys and 2 grandchildren aged 8 and 3. Alison has had a really interesting career and has no plans to retire and runs 2 very successful businesses, namely Aeracura Image, founded in 2012 where as an Image Consultant she helps women make the right clothing, style and make-up choices and she is also an independent consultant with Arbonne, the Swiss skincare and makeup company.  She admits that Aeracura started as a hobby but 6 years later, it has developed into a thriving business and as a qualified make-up and skin care consultant, she also offers expert advice on the Arbonne range of natural products. She recently sold the highly successful Natural Fitness & Therapy Centre in Eastbourne. Alison knows the importance of maintaining a work/life balance and she feels it is really important to take time out for herself and to relax, with includes indulging in a variety of therapies including reflexology.

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