Skin Health For Menopausal Women

It’s a fact that menopause can have a detrimental effect to our skin health

Oestrogen is the hormone responsible for making you feel energetic and vibrant, helping you to maintain healthy skin, hair and enable you to feel clear headed and focus.

We see a noticeable difference from our mid 40’s upwards as our oestrogen levels drop.

This decline reduces collagen and elastin production which leads to dryer skin, fine lines, wrinkles, redness, sagging skin and more!

So what can we do to improve our skin health?

First of all you need to know the skin goodies and baddies.

To give your skin its optimum chance to glow it would help to eliminate or keep these to a minimum:

Skin Baddies
UV Rays
Blue light / Screen Time / Tech Neck
Lack of sleep
Excess sugar, dairy, caffeine

These skin goodies will help keep your skin hydrated and protected inside and out.

Skin Goodies

Colourful Fresh Produce
Fluid / Water / Herbal Teas
Quality Products
Facial Exercise
Cleanse Regime
Cold Water
Have regular facials.

What is Zone Face Lift Therapy and what can it do for you?

Zone Face Lift is an holistic facial treatment that encourages you to “age well” naturally by focusing on your inner wellbeing ensuring that you will glow from within.

A 12 week programme may improve your skin health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Zone Face Lift Therapy

  • Non-invasive skin rejuvenation

  • Naturally stimulates your face and neck muscles

  • Promotes a natural and radiant glow

  • Plumps the skin and reduces wrinkles

  • Tightens and tones the face and neck

  • Reduces puffy eyes and dark circles

  • Eliminates pigmentation and acne

  • Natural alternative to Botox and Dermal Fillers

Zone Face Lift smooths and lifts the skin, giving the face and neck a tighter and plumper complexion.

It is a deeply relaxing, calming and uplifting treatment using aromatherapy oils, quartz crystals, jade gua sha and facial rollers to help you heal from within.

  • Increases collagen and elastin production

  • Brings relief from migraine and headaches

  • Reduces sinus congestion

  • Helps with insomnia

  • Beneficial if undergoing fertility treatments

  • Helps circulation and eliminates toxins with lymphatic drainage.

Zone Face Lift is a natural treatment that ANYONE can enjoy and can be booked as a single treatment but to experience the long term benefit, it is better to book in blocks of 6 or 12.

Want to know more or do you want to book your initial consultation? Call Jane on 07734 695 964 or email

Jane Long Wellbeing Website


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