When Did You Last Receive A Compliment?

When did you last receive a compliment?

What was your response?

Did it fill you with warmth and a glowing smile or did you play it down
and deflect the attention elsewhere?

When did you last complimented yourself?

Have you looked in the mirror recently and said
“Hey! You’re looking GREAT today!”

Do you know how to compliment yourself?

It’s paying yourself some attention

Treating yourself to an oil infused bath, a coffee and cake with a good friend
or a facial is a way of complimenting yourself.

Are you curious to know more about the value of complimenting yourself?

Get on my programme

There is so much to discover!

Book a FREE zoom call with me

to join

Run Down To Radiant 12 Week Online Group Programme.

Or perhaps you want a 30 min virtual chat and a cuppa?

I'd love to hear your stories


Jane x


The Power Of Support


Flowers With Love