Zone Face Lift Therapy. A Natural treatment for sensitive skin

Ally is 54 and lives with her partner in Eastbourne having previously lived in London and Edinburgh. She has a son, aged 17 who is currently studying for his exams. She has worked as an Aromatherapist for over 25 years and this has led to her starting her own business aptly named, “Naturally Healing” where she offers complimentary health therapies including Sukshma Marma Therapy, a healing method through transcendental touch; Asyra Bioenergetic Health Screening and Rahanni Healing.  In her spare time, she enjoys walking, yoga, dancing, swimming, reading and going to the theatre.

  1. How and when did you hear about Calm Therapy?

I met Jane from Calm Therapy at a workshop several years ago and we have kept in touch ever since. We got on straight away and have a lot in common, with both of us being advocates of natural therapies.

  1. Had you heard of Zone Face Lift (ZFL) before you met Jane?

No, I hadn’t heard about it, but I follow Jane on her Facebook page where she mentioned she was doing the training to offer the Ziggie Bergman Zone Face Lift treatment and immediately I was keen to try it. It was very appealing as it is a natural treatment and uses crystals. I have to be very careful with the treatments I choose, as I am allergic to lots of things and am prone to acne.

  1. You have allergies – can you tell us more?

I have many food allergies, which has led in turn to very bad allergic, skin issues and as a result follow a gluten and lactose free diet. I have also had several skin issues due to going through the menopause. This means that any skin treatments I have must be as natural as possible, so that they are chemical free, paraben free, and where possible use totally organic products.

  1. Can you give us more details about ZFL?

Although I had known Jane for sometime, I hadn’t actually had a treatment with her but this seemed the ‘perfect’ treatment to start with. As expected Jane was very thorough and asked about my medical history and any possible contraindications and I said that I couldn’t have oil around my eyes and of course that my skin was very sensitive. The treatment involved the full works including a facial cleanse, exfoliation, massage with different crystals, a facemask and hot towels and massaging, lymphatic drainage of the skin. I was really pleased with the results after 1 session and decided to go ahead with the full course of 12.

  1. How did you feel after the ZFL treatment?

My skin was glowing and felt totally revitalised. It was certainly clearer and more plumped – the results were instant! I really feel the full course of treatments have really helped my skin and my acne has virtually gone. Also, I have suffered from the high pollen count this year and after the treatment, even my sinuses seemed clearer.

  1. Did you notice anything else?

Yes! My chin and jawline do seem more defined and my fine lines and forehead creases have diminished. I think that the treatment has helped with my circulation and has helped with the scarring from my acne and to heal my skin.

  1. Have you had any comments about your skin following the ZFL treatment?

Well, before you asked me that question, I hadn’t really thought about it but I recently went to a party and there was a professional photographer there who was snapping pictures. A friend of mine said, “You look absolutely amazing in the photos, you look different!” And, I also went to a meeting and a colleague said, “I was looking really good!” I referenced Jane Long’s treatments immediately!

  1. Some people are sceptical about alternative holistic therapies including ZFL – is there anything you would say to put their minds at ease?

I suppose it’s easy for me to go down the holistic route, as I have so many allergies, I try to lead a natural, chemical-free lifestyle. I think it’s worth giving this type of facial a try, as all of the products used are organic and as natural as possible. Perhaps, if people do have skin problems as I do, it might help them.

  1. How would you describe Jane as a therapist?

Jane is friendly, warm and professional and she epitomises the name of her company. She is Calm Therapy.

  1. Is there anything you would like to add?

I opted to have a course of 12 Zone Face Lift treatments on a weekly basis having established that it wouldn’t be detrimental to my skin. I think having them in quick succession boosts the effects and then it’s down to maintenance, perhaps once a month or one treatment every 2 months.

When I was in my twenties, I met a Plastic Surgeon and he said that if everyone had a facial every month no-one would need plastic surgery. I took heed and throughout my life I have treated myself at least every 6 months – I think I will now increase that more since I have found such a suitable facial. I think he was right!

Zone Face Lift will now become my facial experience of choice and I will definitely be going back for more. I would whole-heartedly recommend ZFL to anyone.

Ally – thank you for the interview.


How do you feel when you look in the mirror?


Zone Face Lift, Feeling Fabulous after one treatment