Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Wellbeing In The Work Place: An Employers view

Trying to keep your work force motivated can be a challenge. Read on to discover how to incorporate wellbeing to improve productivity and profitability in the work place.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Zone Face Lift Therapy. A Natural treatment for sensitive skin

Ally is 54 and lives with her partner in Eastbourne having previously lived in London and Edinburgh. She has a son, aged 17 who is currently studying for his exams. She has worked as an Aromatherapist for over 25 years and this has led to her starting her own business aptly named, “Naturally Healing” where she offers complimentary health therapies including Sukshma Marma Therapy, a healing method through transcendental touch; Asyra Bioenergetic Health Screening and Rahanni Healing.  In her spare time, she enjoys walking, yoga, dancing, swimming, reading and going to the theatre.

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