Zone Face Lift, Feeling Fabulous after one treatment

Lesley is 59 and married with 2 grown up children. She has had a busy career to date having worked in advertising, marketing and interior design. She now has her own company, the Ladies Who Lunch Boutique, an online business, which she runs with her sister and close frie

nd and creates a range of different jewellery, in fact pieces of jewellery that women want to wear. The business has grown over the years and now has a clothing range, bags and gifts. Her home is in a small village just outside Eastbourne having lived in various parts of Asia and Oxfordshire in the past. In her spare time, if she has any, she likes to paint, dance and go to art exhibitions. She describes herself as ‘very arty’!

  1. How and when did you hear about Zone Face Lift (ZFL) and Calm Therapy?

I was at an Athena networking event when I heard about Zone Face Lift and I have actually met Jane from Calm Therapy on several occasions at various networking events. I think networking is something that it is important for the success of both of our businesses.

  1. Had you heard of Zone Face Lift (ZFL) before you met Jane?

I hadn’t specifically heard about ZFL before I met Jane although I had heard of similar treatments.

  1. What attracted you to the treatment?

I broke my arm at the beginning of the year and as I’m an incredibly busy person I found that I couldn’t do all the things that I normally do and so was actually feeling a little bit low and feeble. My skin felt and looked terrible and one of my business partners said I wasn’t looking at my best. I really felt that I needed a ‘pick me up’ and was attracted to the treatment, as it is holistic and non-invasive and described as the ‘natural alternative to Botox’. I have had facials in the past including aromatherapy facials and I was looking for something a bit different. So, I booked my first treatment about a month ago.

  1. Can you tell us more about the actual treatment itself?

As this was my first treatment, it took about 90 minutes, as Jane had to go through my medical history and any possible contraindications. She did explain that future treatments are normally about 60 minutes although they can be tailored to individual requirements. As you would expect, you lie on a couch and I then experienced something that was very different to anything I had had before. In many respects it’s an unusual treatment with pressure applied to points on the face although at the same time, it’s extremely relaxing and calming. It’s not painful and I really enjoyed it. The products that are used smell divine too!

  1. You had your treatment – how did you feel afterwards and more importantly how did your skin feel and look?

My skin felt lovely after the treatment, and the effect was immediate. As it happened I was going to London to meet up with my son and the first thing he said was:

“What have you done mum? You look amazing?”

I’m very close to my son and this reaction was quite extraordinary as if you are a mother yourself, you will know that sons don’t often say these types of things. My daughter and others also reiterated these comments.

  1. What do you feel have been the main benefits of ZFL for your skin?

I immediately felt more relaxed and not so strained. My skin felt toned and there was reduced puffiness around my eyes with the deep rings underneath my eyes seemingly having disappeared. My facial lines seemed reduced and softer and the tension in my face had disappeared and all in all, my skin felt plumped and moisturised.

  1. There are other benefits such as helping with insomnia, reducing sinus congestion, relief from migraines/headaches, helping with circulation – can you relate to any of these?

I do have sinus problems and now you have made me think of it, my sinuses do feel clearer and I have certainly slept better as generally I’m not a good sleeper!

  1. Some people are sceptical about alternative holistic therapies including ZFL. Is there anything you would say to put their minds at ease?

I’m quite a sceptical person myself but I am open-minded. It’s definitely worth giving this a go, as there are certainly benefits to be had. It really can’t do any harm.

  1. How would you describe Jane as a therapist?

Jane is very calm, professional and knows what she id doing. You feel in safe hands. She’s a really ‘likeable’ person with a wonderful ‘smiley’ face. She is a good advert for her business as she has beautiful skin. I always think this a good indication of a treatment

  1. Would you recommend ZFL with Jane?

I would 100% recommend this treatment and Calm Therapy.

Thank you Lesley for the interview.

Annie from Writing and Blogging carried out this interview.

For more information about Calm Therapy and Zone face Lift, please visit the website by clicking here.


Zone Face Lift Therapy. A Natural treatment for sensitive skin


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