Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

How Do You Cope With Emotional Stress?


Anxiety, stress, fatigue, insomnia, hormonal ups and downs!

It ain't great!

Fortunately, there are ways to find support through your menopausal years.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing


Wrinkles, fine lines, crinkles, furrow, lines, crows feet...call them what you like, we ALL get them.

Like it or not its part of our ageing process or should we call it our living process?

Because they only appear as proof that we are still alive.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

What Is The Best Source Of Collagen To Take?

This is a question I get asked all the time.

What are the best collagen supplements to help with skin and hair care?

My answer is, there are so many brands on the market, that unfortunately one size does not fit all.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Zone Face Lift Photo Testimonial

I'm delighted to share with you my latest client Susan who came to me for a course of Zone Face Lift Therapy.

Susan had been feeling 'despondent' about reaching her midyears and all the changes it brings including her facial definition.  She was feeling exhausted, generally fatigued.

I suggested Susan take the course as 2 sessions per week to see good results.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Are You A Midlife Woman Who Feels Guilty For Treating Yourself?

Do you need to update your skin care routine?

Are you overwhelmed with skin care choices available?

You might feel guilty for treating yourself to a facial or a gorgeous new product?

The rollercoaster of the menopause has left you feeling overwhelmed and fatigued along with a multitude of symptoms.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

The 3 Pillars Of Radiance

I created the three pillars of radiance to support midlife women.

The women who are overwhelmed, fatigued and don’t recognise themselves anymore.

They maybe feeling slightly sensitive to those around them, struggle to regulate their emotions and might even live in their heads a bit too much?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Gua Sha Facial Tool

The Gua Sha facial tool is becoming more popular to use as part of your daily facial routine.

It is a way to enhance your natural beauty by plumping and toning the skin, smoothing fine lines and improving lymphatic drainage.

But what is it made of and where did it come from?

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Jaw Tension

Do you wake in the morning feeling like you’ve crushed your teeth, your neck and jaw muscles ache or you’ve had the worst nights sleep?

You could be experiencing jaw tension or Bruxism. It’s thought that 1 in 10 people in the UK experience jaw tension and most of those are women.

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Zone Face Lift, Feeling Fabulous after one treatment

Lesley is 59 and married with 2 grown up children. She has had a busy career to date having worked in advertising, marketing and interior design. She now has her own company, the Ladies Who Lunch Boutique, an online business, which she runs with her sister and close frie

nd and creates a range of different jewellery, in fact pieces of jewellery that women want to wear. The business has grown over the years and now has a clothing range, bags and gifts. Her home is in a small village just outside Eastbourne having lived in various parts of Asia and Oxfordshire in the past. In her spare time, if she has any, she likes to paint, dance and go to art exhibitions. She describes herself as ‘very arty’!

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