Boost Your Immunity Naturally

We all know that coughs and colds seem to have a way of sneaking up on us from time to time. However, by keeping our lifestyles balanced, we can boost our chances of staying on the healthier side. Instead of heading straight for those boxes of tissues and paracetamol, let’s focus on nourishing our bodies and minds. A few simple changes can go a long way in helping us feel our best, even when those pesky bugs try to catch us off guard!

Here are my immune boosting top tips for the winter months.

Move & Breathe
Stretch, walk, swim. Take some gentle breaths into your tummy and chest. Oxygenate your body. Get those feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine going. This will support your immunity and clear your mind.
Get out in nature. Even in the winter months, you can look out for the beauty in nature. You’ll feel refreshed and grounded after a muddy stomp in the countryside.

Drink water at room temperature.
Citrus and spiced herbal drinks that will improve immunity.
Include lemon, ginger, cloves and other spices that appeal to you.

Winter is hibernation time. Sleep and rest are paramount.
If your lifestyle allows, get an early night, no later than 10pm and wake as the sun rises. Keep screen time to a minimum during the evening, ensure your bedroom is well ventilated and finish your last meal at least two hours before bed time.

A daily dose of Vitamin D is excellent for your immunity. Getting out in the early morning sunlight will regulate your sleep-wake cycle. The sunlight will also increase your feel good hormone, serotonin. This will improve your mood and focus, therefore helping you to feel well too!

Making hearty broths, winter stews and soups are an excellent way to eat the colours of the rainbow to stay nourished, hydrated and warm.
Here’s some soup inspiration
Beetroot Soup
Leek, Onion, Pea, Ginger Soup
Spiced Root Veg Soup
Minestrone Soup

What is your favourite winter dish? Add a comment below

Aromatherapy essential oils are a soothing way to ease congestion, stimulate lymph and support your immune health.

Choose a couple from the list below, add a drop or two of each into a base oil or add to a diffuser to receive the benefits of these beautiful aromas.

Black Pepper - colds, flu, chills
Lavender - throat infections, bronchitis, antiviral
Geranium - throat and mouth infections, tonsillitis, stimulates lymphatic system.
Lemongrass - respiratory infections, sore throats, fevers,
Peppermint - Spasmodic coughs, sinusitis, halitosis.
Tea Tree - Catarrh, colds, sinusitis, coughs
Frankincense - Calms and deepens breathing, clears lungs
Cedarwood - Clears head and respiratory tract and supports immune system

Indulge In A Pamper Session
You might create your own pamper routine at home or treat yourself to Reflexology Eastbourne or Zone Face Lift Therapy Eastbourne. Receiving a pamper is a wonderful way to boost circulation, improve immunity, enhance your energy levels and give you a glorious winter glow.

What top tips do you like to add to your winter routine?
Share in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!


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