What Is The Best Source Of Collagen To Take?

This is a question I get asked all the time.

What are the best collagen supplements to help with skin and hair care?

My answer is, there are so many brands on the market, that unfortunately one size does not fit all.

So if you want to go down the supplement route it will be trial and error.

Absolute collagen are popular favourites on the market as well as Caroline Hirons brand.

In my opinion the BEST source of collagen is bovine bone broth.
This is all good if you are a meat eater and if you have time to make batches of the stuff.

But what if you are a vegan and are pressed for time?

The good news is that there are plenty of other ways to absorb collagen.

Spirulina in powder form is a great source of protein which essentially is what collagen is.
There are marine collagen sources too.

Now there are ready made cartons of bovine, chicken, fish or even VEGAN broth.  All with the delicious benefits that can help to promote healthy ageing and lessen symptoms of menopause.

@freyafoods are a good brand to check out.

Try some and let me know how you get on.


Scalp Massage


What Is collagen & Why do Menopausal Women Need It?