Scalp Massage

Scalp massage.
It feels so good and it has more benefits than you realise.

Did you know that some of the facial muscles including the Frontalis and Temporalis run into the scalp?
So massaging and manipulating the scalp will improve your skin condition of your face.

Worry lines will be released as well as lines around the eyes.
Issues such as tinnitus, jaw tension and neck pain will lessen as the blood will be
stimulated and flow into the muscles connecting the scalp and face.

Techniques such as hair tugging will lift the facia from the scalp, helping to regulate the
nervous system and release any emotions stored as stress.

 If you want to experience a super relaxing scalp massage, book in for my
Cranial Gua Sha Massage.

This session releases head, neck and shoulder tension
with the use of Gua Sha and can help to ease:

Facial Scars, Insomnia,
Sinus congestion & hay fever
Jaw tension & bruxism
Migraines & headaches

It also releases stored emotion all within 30 therapeutic minutes.


Self Soothe


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