What Is collagen & Why do Menopausal Women Need It?

Collagen is an important protein in the body.  It binds skin together and it is found in the skin, ligaments, bone and cartilage.  Maintaining healthy collagen levels will improve your skin, bones, heart and hormones as well as your gut and liver health.

Collagen provides the supportive structure around cells which creates a network for cells to develop and function.
It is also found in blood vessels, teeth, cartilage and digestive tract.

From the age of 25 our collagen levels in our bodies begin to decline, leading to a rapid decline in our menopausal years.  Our oestrogen levels reduce as we approach the menopause, which causes the reduction in our collagen levels.

As we near menopause our oestrogen levels reduce. This is what drives the reduction in collagen  and leads to symptoms such as thinning hair, skin, bone density loss which may then go on for us to develop osteoporosis or dementia.

So it is important to improve our collagen in take via supplements or diet.

See my last blog about sources of collagen.



What Is The Best Source Of Collagen To Take?


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