The 3 Pillars Of Radiance

I created the three pillars of radiance to support midlife women.

The women who are overwhelmed, fatigued and don’t recognise themselves anymore.

They maybe feeling slightly sensitive to those around them,
struggle to regulate their emotions and might even live in their heads a bit too much?
Their self talk is not doing them any favours.

The menopause has ripped right through them.

They've become a shadow of  their former selves and they are feeling a bit isolated.

What if I told you there is a way to feel calmer, more in control of your reactions and emotions and feel more vital?

Guess what?

You don’t have to be sensitive or touchy feely to join, but if you are,
I have a workshop for you that will be like fitting on a glove.

By working through the 3 pillars of radiance you may become more energised,
self assured so you can regain your purpose, vitality and joy and live with a radiant glow.

Join me

7pm Wednesday 15th February via zoom.

 SIGN UP HERE to book your spot today.


Anti Age Or Age Defy?


Are You A Midlife Mum With Teens?