Are You A Midlife Mum With Teens?

I have a 16 year old boy and his GCSE's are looming!

This is where I am at and it is not a good combo.

It doesn't matter what their ability or standard of work is, this is all encompassing  with pressure,
expectation and the fireworks can be going off at any time in the house.

I'm trying to keep my teen on track, motivate him and keep his stress levels
down before thinking about my own stress levels!

I talk A LOT about being a midlife radiant woman but my radiance is being tested at the moment!

Thats why I have a morning routine to get ME back on track.

My morning routine consists of breath work, meditation and some movement.

This is a practice that I do 4 or 5 days a week.

It usually takes half an hour to do and IT'S WORTH IT!

It is worth it because I know it is helping to regulate my nervous system.

Then I can feel grounded, centred and calmer.

My response to various situations is a lot better.

I'm not reacting and firing off when the arguments and back chat begin,
I can step back and take an overview of myself and come back into centre.

I'm then able to respond in a better way.

Making this my daily practice helps me to deal with any uncertainty,
challenges, stresses in a better way.

I do have some people who say to me
"Jane! I've tried this and it's not working."

What I say is it IS working.

Sometimes it may feel like it is not working.
You may be dealing with an unpleasant situation.
It may feel stressful and uncomfortable but continuing with
your practice will have a physiological effect on your body.
It will reduce your stress response even if you don't feel like it is.

Once you are through this discomfort and you keep the routine going,
it will be easier to face uncertainty and stress in the future and respond to it in a better way.

There is also the RIPPLE effect to consider.

When you are practicing mediation, breath work and movement, you will become centred, grounded and calm.

This state that you have created for yourself will ripple out or radiate out to the other
members of your house, work or friends.

So tell YOU have a morning routine?  Or perhaps you an afternoon practice?

Maybe you don't have a practice and want to know more?

You maybe a midlife woman  who is hormonal, overwhelmed, fatigued and feeling slightly sensitive...?


The 3 Pillars Of Radiance


Valentines; The month of Self Love