Valentines; The month of Self Love

Did you know that St. Valentines did not have such romantic beginnings.

It's origins began during the roman times of 6th Century BC.
It was a bloody fertility festival called Lupercalia.
While researching, I've discovered that it was quite a violent festival in many ways!

I prefer to think of Valentines Day as the beginning of Spring and new beginnings.
Winter is almost behind us and we can see the lighter, brighter days ahead of us.
It's a time of self care and appreciation.

St. Valentines Day, not only a day to remind us to show love to each other,
but to remind us to show love to ourselves.
Self care is as important as the care that we show to others.

How are you going to celebrate and appreciate YOUR SELF on 14th February?

I'd love to know.


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