How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

Since training and treating clients with Facial Reflexology and Zone Face Lift Therapy, I have noticed a common pattern occurring amongst women of a certain age.

During the consultation, I ask them, “How do you feel when you look in the mirror..?”  Several women put their hands up to their faces and say ” I look awful!” or “I hate the way I look!”

It has taken me some time to get used to this response.  I am a 47 year old woman and have noticed sudden changes to my skin tone and wrinkles appearing over the past couple of years.  I have to admit, I didn’t feel great when I first noticed them, but now I accept, this is who I am and this is how I should look at my age.

Even in my treatment room it is becoming apparent that the stigma of ageing is still going strong.

I don’t like “anti-ageing”  or “reverse signs of ageing” slogans or products. It is keeping us pining for our youth instead of embracing who we are today.   It’s a sad fact that many women loose confidence as signs of ageing appear and sometimes they can feel invisible to society.

We need a slogan that represent a confident, dynamic woman in her 40’s, 50’s 60’s and beyond who is still living a full life and has probably supported others along the way.

So I say let’s Age Well Naturally!  Embrace the fact that we are lucky enough to have reached a certain age.  Age with grace and style and feel our beauty from within.  Simple daily self care tips can help to reduce stress levels and your looks will be on the right path to beauty and radiance.

This is why I love offering Zone Face Lift Therapy.  Although it can help to smooth fine lines and plump a dull complexion it is not a beauty treatment.  It works from an holistic angle, lifting your spirits and releasing emotional stress from the face.  It has healing qualities that will help to balance your body, emotions and mind.  Not only will you look amazing after a  Zone Face Lift Experience you will feel amazing too!

For more information or to book your introductory Zone Face Lift session please call Jane Long on 07734 695 964, email or visit my website


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Zone Face Lift Therapy. A Natural treatment for sensitive skin