Cold Water Swimming

Cold water!  The thought of immersing your body in it makes most people shudder!

But did you know that cold water bathing has regained popularity over a recent years?

Scandinavians are well known for using saunas then plunging into ice cold lakes.  They have been doing so since the early 1900’s.

Research shows the health benefits supported by research include:

Lower risk of infections by stimulating your immune system

Reduced inflammation

Reduces stress levels

Reducing depression and improving your mental health.

Improved alertness and resilience

Weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate.

Here are some tips to help you ‘dip your toe’ into cold water as part of your morning routine.

Splash face with cold water.

Find a face cloth.  Soak it with cold water and then ring it out so it is damp. Next wrap it around your throat and neck for a few seconds or more!

Take your usual warm morning shower and finish off with a quick burst of cold.  Over a period of time you may want to build up to 2 mins under the cold shower.

Living on the coast we have the perfect opportunity to connect with nature and get into the sea!

If your looking to improve your lifestyle and wellbeing, please contact Jane at


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