Fertility Issues? Try Reflexology

Sarah is 31 years old and lives with her husband of 2 years in East Sussex. At the moment, home is shared with their pet cat and they spend many a weekend walking the family dog in the countryside. Sarah is a secondary school teacher and head of faculty at the school, which is a job that she really enjoys but it is not without its stressful times due to the heavy workload and the pressures associated with middle management.

The couple wanted to start a family but Sarah was having fertility issues, and so she started looking into alternative therapies.

 How did you hear about reflexology at Calm Therapy?

It was my mum actually who shared a link to the CalmTherapy website. It was at a time when I was looking for alternative therapies to support poor sleep, stress and fertility difficulties. My mum came across this when she was researching ways to help me with these issues. I decided to get in touch with Jane at Calm Therapy and give it a go.

 Can you tell us more about the issues you were experiencing?

Yes. I have had thyroid and hormone balance problems and at that time my periods were very irregular and sometimes I could go for 6 months between cycles. For a long time, I have also struggled with getting a good night’s sleep, as there is always a lot on my mind and of course the stress of my job was contributing to this.

 Had you tried reflexology before?

No. I booked in with Jane and it was my very first experience of reflexology and I have to say I was completely hooked after my very first treatment.

What initially happened at your reflexology sessions?

At each session, Jane would discuss where I was within my menstrual cycle and would avoid certain pressure points and would consequently work on others. Jane also applied pressure on points linked to the thyroid and did hormone-balancing treatments. After each treatment she would discuss things she had noticed, which I found really interesting and quite often she could spot how I was feeling.

How did reflexology make you feel?

I found the sessions so relaxing and peaceful that I booked regularly and I started to look forward to them each week. Following each session, I felt a lot calmer and often I had an improved night’s sleep. Jane also used a few firm movements on certain pressure points that worked a couple of times to bring on my cycle. As I said before, I was actually having fertility issues and was hoping reflexology would help. I am delighted to say I am currently 8 months pregnant.

 Have you continued with reflexology during your pregnancy?

Yes, I have and I have had a treatment almost every week. In a busy week, it gives me the chance to take an hour for myself to unwind and I come away feeling lighter and more relaxed.

Are the reflexology sessions adapted because of your pregnancy?

There are again certain points Jane works on and others she avoids due to the pregnancy, although she still continues with the hormone balance work and relaxation treatment. As I now have some water retention due to spending a lot of time on my feet and the heat, she has also been able to work on lymphatic draining around my ankles. As my bump has grown, Jane has accommodated this by changing the therapy table positions and getting a large V shaped cushion to make me more comfortable. I find the treatments blissful!

Some people are a bit sceptical about alternative therapies such as reflexology. Is there anything you could say to put their minds at ease?

For people who are sceptical and unsure about reflexology, I can only talk about it from my own personal point of view, but I believe it has had a very positive affect on my wellbeing and hey, you have nothing to lose in giving it a go!

People might be interested to know that I struggle to stay awake during treatments now as I relax so much, which is pretty unheard of for me! Jane begins by talking me into a session using breathing techniques, which continues through the relaxation phase. I now use these techniques at home to help me to stay calm.

How do you find Jane as a therapist?

She is very knowledgeable, supportive and friendly. She takes a genuine interest in how things are going in my day-to-day life and she is very easy to talk to.

What do you think of Calm Therapy’s website?

It’s really informative and easy to navigate. It has all of Jane’s contact details and when I did get in touch, she was quick to respond. I actually talked to her on the phone about how the therapy could support the areas I wanted to focus on. It wasn’t pushy and there was no hard sell to make me make an appointment!

 Is there anything else you would like to add?

Just to say, I would highly recommend reflexology treatments to anyone, perhaps if people are having any fertility issues or are feeling uncomfortable during their pregnancy. I’ve enjoyed my therapy sessions so much that I have convinced my mum to go along to Calm Therapy regularly now too!

 Thank you Sarah for the interview.


Reflexology leads to a comfortable birth


Pregnancy Reflexology – Don’t Leave It Until The Baby Is Almost Due!