Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Reflexology During Pregnancy. A Therapists View

2 Babies – 2 Very Different Scenarios

Jane Long has been practising reflexology since 2003 and now has her own successful business, Calm Therapy in Eastbourne, East Sussex. This wonderful seaside town is where Jane grew up although she did spend 23 years in London prior to returning in 2014. She has 2 children, Dylan 12 and Mia who is 10 and home is shared with 2 gorgeous female guinea pigs, Lemon and Peanut. In London she worked in retail before moving into the music industry. At one point she was working, training to be a reflexologist as well as trying for a baby. This was certainly a stressful time and she found that reflexology was a treatment that helped her relax and unwind. She didn’t see the music business as a long-term career and made the decision that she wanted her own reflexology business and you could say, the rest is history!

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Jane Long Wellbeing Jane Long Wellbeing

Reflexology leads to a comfortable birth

Emily is 37 and married to Mark, a telephone engineer and they live in Eastbourne with Ruben aged 5, baby Olive, just 10 weeks old and their cat, Honey. Emily works as a receptionist at a local garage and has always been involved with administrative and front of house duties. Her first baby had to be induced and she was keen to avoid this with her second child. She carried out some research and discovered that reflexology treatments might be the answer to avoiding this scenario again. 

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