A Time Of Fallow

The winter months are here.

It is a the beginning of a New Year (Happy New Year btw).
January can be seen as a time to start over, make plans and start the year as you mean to go on!

That has never worked for me. I finally realise why I have always struggled during these darker months.

It is the expectation that we are to start new fitness regimes or over haul the way we eat.

More expectation to be seen to be doing something to feel and look good and make big changes that I wasn't ready for.

What I have needed is the time to hibernate and allow myself to enjoy being slow.

What a difference it has made!

Whilst being slower I have felt more energised in a grounded way.

I've found enjoyment in keeping my routines simple:

I've chosen to hibernate & nurture myself with:

 Rest, breathe & meditate
Eat simple yet nourishing food.
Gentle restorative stomps across the countryside.
Using soothing balms & serums to nourish my skin.
This is the time of year when I love to receive treatments.
Read and absorb more knowledge.

The image above is a card that I pulled as I was looking for some inspiration;
And what a perfect card it was!

A Time Of Fallow

"Creative manifestations occurs more easily when I have nurtured myself and honoured my time of fallow"

Are you taking this time to nurture yourself?

In which ways are you restoring your energy before we reach the brighter days?

I'd love to know.


Keep Your Self Care Simple


the Gift of giving