the Gift of giving

The Gift of Giving is an important part of the way I run my business.

I believe giving brings about more connection, community and caring.

Thinking about and giving to others often gives us a sense of satisfaction and certain amount of joy or contentment.

The feeling that we have contributed to something worthwhile.


During 2022, I have given gift vouchers as Raffle Prizes for

St. Wilfreds Hospice

Children's Respite Trust 


Ukrainian Appeal ( a privately arranged event)


Last month, I signed up for and trained to become a Touch of Gentleness practitioner.

A Touch of Gentleness is a charity created by the amazing Helen Prosper.

The purpose of this charity is to allow as many people as possible to experience the power of touch.

Also to spread the message about how profoundly beneficial and underestimated the power of touch is for

boosting our immune system,
regulating our nervous systems
and our emotions.

There are other physical benefits including:

lowering blood pressure,
improving digestive health,
fine tuning our hormones into balance.

Helen trains her A Touch Of Gentleness Practitioners to deliver a hand massage to a certain protocol.

Now that I am trained I will be giving 2 hours a month to give FREE hand massage to shoppers at
the Beacon in Eastbourne.


A Time Of Fallow


Christmas Competition