The Benefits Of Jojba Oil

Here are some interesting facts about jojoba oil.

Even though jojoba oil is a botanical substance, its make up is so similar to the oil our bodies naturally produce which means our skin cannot tell the difference.  Therefore there is less likely to be a residual build up on the surface on our skin and as a result you will have fewer break outs and less severe acne.

Because jojoba oil has a waxy consistency it is more likely to absorb into your skin, then seal and protect the skin with its soothing waxy nature.

The anti oxidants in jojoba oil may help to product more collagen.

Jojoba oil helps to keep your skin hydrated by attracting water to the top layer of the skin. This may help prevent bacterial infections, acne, and dandruff from forming.

Its because of these qualities that jojoba oil is a component of many beauty products.


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