Firsts Before Fifty

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022!

The year where we can start over and make the most of life. What do you really want to do….who do you really want to be? It’s a time for New Years Resolutions, but maybe there is another way you can look at making a fresh start to the New Year…..

I visited my dad over the Christmas break. He is retired, loves to bake and it’s something we enjoy chatting about. He offered me some of his home made Christmas cake which tasted great! It got me thinking….I’ve always wanted to make a Christmas cake but I’ve never made the time. Planning out from the early stages of soaking the ingredients to the baking and icing at the end. Then it occurred to me, I should do it this year! And this year of all years as I will be turning 50 in September….and what about all the other things I’ve always wanted to do but never got round to doing……… why don’t I start a list of my “Firsts Before Fifty!” My list is small for now but it has plenty of time to grow!

Guess what was first on my list of Firsts………..?

A January dip in the sea

…….taking a winter dip in the sea! I’ve wanted to do this for so long. For the last three years I have been taking cold showers to prepare…..but enough of preparation! It’s time to start being the way I want to be.

I joined a local group called the Pevensey Plungers. The swim was amazing, meeting new people and becoming part of a community was great. I shall certainly do it again.

Is there something you have to wanted to do but never got round to it? It doesn’t have to be anything grand or BIG, perhaps something you could make the time for? You never know what more it could bring into your life…..I’d love to know.

By the way……I will make the Christmas Cake. Its just a bit too early in the year to start now!

Any recipes or tips are most welcome.

You can connect with me on Instagram 

Have a great day!


Jaw Tension


Tinnitus & Facial Reflexology