Facial oil vs facial serum

Has your skin become dryer throughout the winter months?

Are you lathering on the facial oil but still feel like you need more?

I've chatted with several women recently who have questioned why their
facial oils are not soothing their skin.

After a little more conversation, I've suggested to them that perhaps they could include a facial serum to their routine.

Oils and serums are both in liquid form and are designed to nourish the skin but what is the difference between the two?

Facial oils are great topically for your skin.
They are good for nourishing the skin and act to support the skins natural barrier.

You need to protect your skins natural barrier to stop pollution, viruses, UV rays and more being internalised
Facial oil will also help to reduce dryness and dullness of your skin.

Facial Serums penetrate deeper into the skin, allowing moisture to absorb at a deeper level than a facial oil.
Serums can contain Vitamin C to support skin DNA, Hyaluronic Acid to increase skin hydration or
Retinoids which are part of the Vitamin A family.

The best way to add them as part of your skin care routine is to use the serum first as it is a lighter formula.

You can then use a facial oil after, unless you prefer to use a facial cream.

Whats your preference? What do you like to use?

Want to know more about facial products?


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