How to stay cool this summer

Are you a sun worshiper or a shade chaser?

Personally I LOVE the heat and sun as long as I am under a large parasol or tree with a hot water.

August is being kind to us with some gorgeously hot weather.

Here are a few tips to help and remind you how to keep your cool for the remainder of the summer.

Keep Your Windows, Blinds & Curtains Closed
Think how the Mediterraneans live with their shutters closed to keep the cool in and the heat out of their homes.
Most of us don't have these shutters but closing your blinds and curtains will help as well as keeping your windows closed or on storm lock.
If you don't have air con, you can use a fan.
This will not bring any cool air into the room but it will move the air around and help cool your skin.
Keep that heat out and the cool in.

Keep Hydrated & Drink Hot Water
Keep drinking water regularly.   The idea of taking a hot drink is to encourage you to sweat and regulating your body temperature.

Eat Hydrating Foods
Our appetite naturally diminishes in the heat as our body is working to keep it cool.
Help your body by refreshing it with water soluble foods such as cucumber, melon, lettuce, celery and radish.

Avoid The Strong Sun
Stay out of the midday sun and the 4pm sun.
Surprisingly for some, the late afternoon sun can be at its strongest.
And of course, keep your SPF in good supply.

Cool Your Pulse Points
Your pulse points include your head, neck, ankles and wrists.
Running cool water over your wrists cools the blood flow in your veins, which is another way to keep cool.
Applying a cool damp flannel or face cloth to your neck is also an effective way of staying cool.

Take Cold Showers
I know I talk about cold waters and showers a lot but I think this time you will appreciate this advice.
Cold showers, cool you down!  However they can be stimulating too.
So if you are having a shower before bed, make it a cool shower and not an icy cold one.

Retreat to my naturally cool treatment room
Keep those summer vibes alive and treat yourself to reflexology or a facial in my treatment room.
It's naturally cool as it is tucked away in a corner of East Dean.


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